This questionnaire is part of an ongoing investigation into the activities of companies detailed below.
Please be aware that once you start the questionnaire you must complete it straight away. Please ensure that you set yourself sufficient time to complete the questionnaire.
Whilst completing the questionnaire it may be helpful to have all your relevant documents on hand for reference. These documents may include:
• Agreements or contracts with the individuals and/or companies detailed below.
• Any hardcopy or electronic communications (letters, emails or SMS messages) between yourself and representatives and/or companies detailed below.
• Any notes or other records of telephone calls you might have had with the individuals and/or companies detailed below.
• Any bank account statements containing references to dates and amounts the companies were paid.

Personal data collected from the submission of this questionnaire will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018. The information you provide to us may be shared with other law enforcement and regulatory bodies for use in this investigation. If you would like more information on how we process your personal data please see the SFO Privacy Policy SFO Privacy Policy - GOV.UK.

Our investigations have identified the following companies which may have sold these services to members of the public including you:
AML Executive Contracts Ltd, ASA Partnership Ltd, DW Contract Consultancy Ltd, DW Law Consultancy Ltd, ERS Europe Ltd, Harwood Advisory Group Ltd, Huntland Rock Associates Ltd (Hunter Rock Associates), Meta UK Group Ltd, Milton Chadwick Consultants Ltd, The Nobel Group of Companies (including but not limited to Nobel Acquisitions and Investment Group Ltd and Nobel Business Services Ltd), Park Square Associates Ltd, Rockland Associates Ltd, Silverstream Management Group Ltd, Sonata Trading Ltd, Termination Services Ltd, The Biz Doc UK Ltd aka Business Doctor, Timeshare Legals Ltd, TSL Europe Ltd and Venture Compliance Ltd.

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Personal Details

Victim Details

Home address of victim

Postal address of victim

Contact information of Victim


Are you completing the questionnaire on behalf of the victim?(Required)

Proxy Details

Your Details


Proxy reasons for completing questionnaire

Timeshare Details

Initial contact with companies under investigation

What services were agreed would be provided?

Please provide details of their email address or addresses?

Please provide details of their telephone/mobile numbers?

What services did you agree to?

Please provide details of their email address or addresses?

Please provide details of their telephone/mobile numbers?

Meeting(s) with the company(ies)

What services did they offer?

Payment to the company

Third party companies

Contact after payment was made to the company

Termination/exit of Timeshare

Compensation or refund by Company

Compensation or refund by bank/credit card company

Other companies under investigation

Any other information

Reporting to other agencies

Have you reported this to any Regulator/Law Enforcement Agency/Government Department or a Company?
Have you contacted administrators or liquidators?(Required)

Willingness to help the SFO

If so and if we need to contact you further, we will use the contact details you provided at the beginning of the questionnaire, so please ensure that these are correct

Needs assessment

Close Relative or Trusted Friend

Address of Close Relative or Trusted Friend

Victim Personal Statement - This section is voluntary

Declaration of truth

Statement of witness (Section 9 Criminal Justice act 1967: CrimPR 16.2). This statement (consisting of the above questionnaire) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is introduced in evidence, it would be an offence wilfully to have stated in it anything that I know to be false or do not believe to be true.